Time Capsules
Capture a moment in time
Time capsules are an excellent way of adding a personal touch to your ceremony and can be created in anything that can be closed and sealed. They can be a plain, or decorated, a box, a jar, a small vintage suitcase or even a biscuit tin - the choice is yours.
And, more importantly, they can include whatever you want them to.
Wedding Ceremony
Your capsule could simply contain a sealed love letter detailing your hopes for the future, from each of you, and perhaps a bottle of wine so that you can enjoy a drink, together, when you reopen the capsule. It could even include your wedding ceremony script.
You can, of course add more to the contents, perhaps ask your guests to add a small token, or a note expressing their wishes for your future life together.
Naming Ceremony
Some families include the creation of a ‘time capsule’ or ‘memory box’. Your guests bring something to add to it such as a newspaper article from the day your child was born, family photos, recorded messages, gifts to be opened when they reach a significant date in the future.
** All time capsules are sealed and stored away for safe keeping - to be opened on a special and symbolic date.
Maybe your first, fifth, or even your tenth, wedding anniversary (or any other date that you choose).
Or your child's 18th birthday.
If you think you may be tempted to open it sooner, ask someone to look after it for you!
Just imagine all of the memories, of your special day, flooding back when you reopen your capsule!